How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

Earn Money with Uploading Files!  

New money maker is in town! Have you ever thought that you could earn money with uploading files? This company offers you payment for each downloaded file that you uploaded in your account. This could be perfect money making opportunity if you have enough traffic in your site or blog. Lets see company info: provides you 100% Free File hosting solution with just one click. Its fast and easy. Only people knowing the exact download URL are able to download your file. Your file will be deleted when it has not been accessed for more than 90 days or you use your delete option.

Select a file to send by clicking the "Browse" button. You can then select photos, audio, video, documents or anything else you want to send.

The maximum file size is 200 MB.You may choose whom you want to send a file to. If you submit your friends email addresses, Ziddu will send the file to your friends. If you just want to get the link to your file stored on our server, simply copy the link and share with your friends.

You will get $0.001 for each Unique download. Redeemed cash will be transfered via PayPal or Moneybookers once it reaches $10.

  • 10000 Unique Downloads: $10
  • 50000 Unique Downloads: $50
  • 100000 Unique Downloads: $100 USD
  • 500000 Unique Downloads: $500 USD
  • 1000000 Unique Downloads: $1000 USD

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