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SCAM: E-gold founder Douglas Jackson killed  

This is not far away from your E-gold phishing emails, but someone has been circulating this hoax email around,

E-gold founder, Douglas Jackson, 51, of Sheridan, Mont., was 4 times shot and killed Friday night on the Seventh Street ramp at East Seventh Avenue by off-duty County Deputy Daniel Montana Jr., police said.

A spokesman for the Jackson’s family told Fox 31 that the autopsy details show the shots came from 3 to 7 feet away and were fired at a level angle, not from someone lying on the ground.

The investigation is ongoing, said DA spokeswoman Pam Russell.

More details at HYIPWORLDS.ORG

(c) hyipnews 2008
I suppose such thrash should be immediately deleted. Please do not visit the site as it contains a trojan. Since it’s targeting E-gold users with the news, chances of it being a trojan that steals your E-gold information is high.

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