How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

10 Really Stupid Ways of Promoting a Blog  

Bought traffic - average waste $100 - This is the number one dumb way to waste money launching a blog. The idea that you can buy tens of thousands of blog visitors is just pure nonsense. Hey, don't worry we've all fallen for this quick fix and all had the same lousy results. Zero opt-ins and zero sales. If any real visitors actually get delivered, and I suspect many are just simple scams, and then there is no way that this will actually ever work. Think about it. It's like rounding people up at random, forcing them onto a bus and driving them to your store. Are they really going to buy? Nope, not a chance.

Gave it to a relative to do - average waste $500 - Just because your nephew is good at video games it doesn't mean he can create wonderful blog for you. It amazes me that people fall for this. Once they've asked them to do it they are trapped. If he doesn't deliver then the risk of family rifts put so much extra pressure to accept what is finally given.

Was sold something pretty but useless - average waste $20 every month - $240 a year - "Choose from 500 templates" is the headline that attracts so many into the blog scam. These meaningless blogs are easy to set up because they are empty. These quick fix blogs quickly die and do absolutely nothing for you or your company. The only people that they help are the scam artists that sell you them and then charge you every month to host a dead website.

Used an agency - average waste $20,000 - This is a more expensive version of using a relative and is part of the same problem. You hand over ownership and control of your blog to someone else. By handing over control your blog stops being yours and you break what could be an incredibly profitable relationship between you and your customers.

Used a copy writer improperly - average waste $3000 - You should never ever exclusively use a copy writer to create copy for your blog. This is expensive and created content that isn't yours - content that lacks your personality, knowledge and passion that is supposed to appeal to your customers. This won't ever work. There is a better way and that's to work with a copywriter. Create your own copy and then rework it with a copywriter or editor. This is quick, simple and much, much cheaper.

The bargain scam - Improve Google rankings for $xxx - average waste $100 - If these scams actually worked then they would be a lot more expensive! That's the hard truth that we all know but we seem to turn our brains off and fall for what seems to be the easy option.

If they are remotely genuine then they can do some SEO work and charge you twice the price.

Visitors come and go and never return - average waste $Your sales? - If you manage to get some real people visiting your blog and you do nothing to capture them then they will come and then they will go and you'll never know why. Failing to capture them will destroy your sales. Capturing them can mean getting them to leave their email address or capturing their interest so that they return.

All links are good links - average waste $? - All links are not good links and you should resist the temptation to rush around and collect as many links as you humanly can get. The problem is that search engines such as Google love relevant content and if your links lead to irrelevant content you will suffer. This may lead to increased fees for Adwords advertising or even get you dumped out of the Google listings.

Knowledge is power - average waste $5000 - Do you waste money buying book after book that may be read but then forgotten? This habit can get even more expensive online with ebooks and courses - some costing thousands of dollars that is a lot in any currency!

This habit has two serious dangers. If you read without acting then you will never get anywhere as it is only through action that knowledge has any point at all. The second danger is that you will always think of yourself as a newbie or beginner and never develop further.

No plan - average waste $1000 - "People don't plan to fail - they fail to plan". We all know this saying and we all know its true but when it comes to launching a blog our brains somehow go offline and we leap into things without planning and then we wonder why they don't work. One reason why we don't plan is that we don't know how to plan properly and what the key elements are.

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Money Making Report For April 2008  

This is my money making report for April 2008.

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Embed Ad codes in Blogger Templates  

Blogger ad code converter is a tool tat help you to modify your adcodes of Adsense, Chitika , ADbrite, & many others to directly embed inyour new xml templates without giving any errors.
You just have to paste your adcode in the box & it modifies the code for embedding in the template..

For example if you need to embed adsense 468x60 block into your blog template then you first go into change layout & add javascript or choose adsense.... blah! blah! blah! blah! & if you put the code to embed direclty into your template by going under Edit Template section , then you will always get XML error!! about characters like '> < 'to be converted into xhtml entities which needs a xml knowledge & of course some time.. To escape from this you can just directly put the code into the box & modify it for your use.. & get your ads embedded in the templates permanently by default. Click here ! for more.

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Rules For Keyword And Meta Description Tags  

Keyword and description meta tags optimization tutorial for better search engine rankings. Have you ever wondered why some web pages get higher search engine rankings than others? Of course you have, if you are a web developer. You may have read or heard of a hundred ways to improve your page ranking and tried them all. Only to see dismal results and wonder what the heck went wrong.

  1. Primary meta keyword must be an exact match with the file name of your page. This lets the search engines match up your keyword with your page and give your page higher relevancy. Here is an example from: Make Money Online (Pr2 and #2 in Google). The first keyword for this page is "Make Money Online." This seemingly obscure product gets 29,500+ search engine results in Google alone. So it is not that obscure after all. And makes for a good example.
  2. Use only 5 keywords in your meta keywords tag. More than that and the search engines might think you are keyword spamming and won't list your page. The search engines rank your keywords in the order that they appear. This makes the first one the primary keyword and the second one a secondary keyword and so on. You should line your keywords up in the order of relevance to the page. Here is the meta keyword tag I used in this example.
Make Money Online, SEO, Investement, Money Making Tips, Forex
  1. Use all of your keywords in your meta description, with the primary keyword as close to the front as possible. Definitely within the first 5 words of your description. The search engines don't read your description verbatim, but can find and match them with your keyword list. So try to use them all but don't repeat them if at all possible. Again if your meta description repeats your keywords too often the search engines might think you are keyword spamming and not list your page, so don't do it.
  2. Meta description should be between 100 and 200 characters. It is important to get a solid description of your page. Less that 100 characters and the search engine may not find it relevant enough to list. More than 200 characters and the search engines may truncate it. Which looks unprofessional on your part. Truncated meta descriptions may leave searchers with the impression that your content will be too wordy and full of you know what. Too short a description and your visitors may think there is not enough information on your page and move on to the next result. So try to get your description just right, not too long and not too short. Here is the meta description for ODF.
This blog will show you how to Make Money Online with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.
  1. Line up your meta keywords up too resemble a sentence. Although search engines don't read your keywords as a sentence verbatim, it should reflect well what your page is all about. See the meta keyword tag above.
  2. Proof read your content twice. You should always proof read your work before you post for a lot of good reasons like spelling, grammar, placement and paragraph distribution. Once your page looks great proof read it again with your focus on keyword placement and repetition. You want your keywords placed in your content sparingly. What? you say. Again over use of your keywords might result in the search engines thinking you are keyword spamming. That isn't to say you shouldn't have too few. My rule of thumb is 3 uses of a keyword for every 300 words. This lets the search engines know that there is a lot of supporting content for the keyword.
  3. As you are proof reading you may discover that you have a much better keyword for your meta tag than what you originally thought. For instance in ODF I discovered that I had left out the keyword "vision". After proof reading my page I added that keyword to my list and used it a couple more times in the page.
  4. Put your meta description all on one line in your html code. This will ensure that the search engines reads it all. I have noticed that some search engine results leave off the second line of a description. That may leave out some of your meta keywords if that happens.
  5. Never use more than 3 words for your primary keyword. People rarely search for a keyword phrase over 3 words long. Too many words in a keyword phrase and the search engines may not find enough relevancy to list your page in the results. Two words in a keyword phrase is ideal. For Ocular Defense Formula, I thought 2 words weren't enough to describe the page. "Make Money" would have been too vague and misleading. I could have named the page something else and optimized for those keywords, but, ODF is a product page and optimizing for something like "Online Money" would have been misleading and probably not get listed high in the search engines.

Use your primary keyword in the first and last paragraph of your page. The search engines will give more relevancy to your page if they find your keywords at the beginning and the end of your page. Also your primary keyword should appear in the first 90 characters of your content.

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