How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

Embed Ad codes in Blogger Templates  

Blogger ad code converter is a tool tat help you to modify your adcodes of Adsense, Chitika , ADbrite, & many others to directly embed inyour new xml templates without giving any errors.
You just have to paste your adcode in the box & it modifies the code for embedding in the template..

For example if you need to embed adsense 468x60 block into your blog template then you first go into change layout & add javascript or choose adsense.... blah! blah! blah! blah! & if you put the code to embed direclty into your template by going under Edit Template section , then you will always get XML error!! about characters like '> < 'to be converted into xhtml entities which needs a xml knowledge & of course some time.. To escape from this you can just directly put the code into the box & modify it for your use.. & get your ads embedded in the templates permanently by default. Click here ! for more.

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