How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

WidgetBucks: Supports European Traffic!  

WidgetBucks is expanding its cost-per-click (CPC) network, giving publishers and bloggers two ways to earn revenue from their Western European traffic. The expansion begins today in the United Kingdom, with Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Belgium coming online over the next two weeks.

When publishers serve WidgetBucks ad widgets on their sites, users based in the UK (for example) will now see a short-duration CPM display ad followed by a CPC shopping widget featuring UK-based merchants and products, listed in British pounds. The CPM-CPC hybrid gives publishers two revenue streams from the same ad widget instance. Before today, only CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) ads were served to visitors outside the U.S. and Canada.

From a reporting standpoint, this CPC expansion is seamless. In addition to current CPM impressions, additional impressions will simply and automatically be tallied into CPC roll-up and daily totals, as well as resulting revenue. At this time, we are not breaking out by-country CPC impressions and earnings.

This is good news for all money makers and I hope WidgetBucks will gain its popularity back!!!

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