How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

11 Ways to Get Links for Your Niche  

Many blog or site owners/starters ask me the same question again and again. How can we get links to increase our traffic and Google PR. Well here are 11 Ways to get them and you want be penalized for doing that:

  1. Get a link from the local chamber of commerce
  2. Call webmasters on the phone and ask for links
  3. Email webmaster and ask for links
  4. Ask friends and family to link to you
  5. Ask to be listed on governmental resources
  6. Find articles in your niche and ask them to link to you
  7. Find sites in your niche linking to dead sites, ask them to link to you instead
  8. Find sites in your niche linking to inferior sites, ask them to link to you instead
  9. Find hubs/authority sites in your niche
  10. Analyze competitors back links - Ask to be listed on there too
  11. Back a cause and produce something useful for it, contact organizers and let them know
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