How to make money online

This blog will show you how to make money with tips and tricks using Adsense, Forex, SEO, Affiliate and Web 2.0 programs.

8 Fabulous blogger templates  

Money making blogs have the same "to success" rules like every other blog. First place is always reserved for blog content (only original blogs with good content are noticed by people and manage to succeed in blog world) and template comes to the second place.

Now you probably ask yourself why I am talking about this. Well, lately I received many questions about blogger templates. People were asking me where they can get good templates for their blog. So, I decided to uncover you that "secret"!

One of the most popular sites which offer free blogger templates is Gecko & Fly site. You will find some great blogger templates there, divided in two main groups. One is for older classic blogger and another category is for new beta blogger templates which use XML.

I am using Beta blogger templates (XML), because they are so easy manageable, what I can't say for classic blogger templates. You need basic HTML skills to manage them. That is the reason I will focus only on Beta blogger templates in this post.
Gecko & Fly Beta blogger templates:

  1. K2 Blogger XML
  2. Erudite Blogger XML (Two Columns)
  3. Erudite Blogger XML (Three Columns)
  4. Kubrick Blogger XML
  5. Andreas02 Blogger XML
  6. Andreas08 Blogger XML
  7. Andreas04 Blogger XML
  8. Emire Blogger XML

If you monitor this blog long enough you will notice that few months ago I used Erudite Blogger XML (Three Column) template for my money making blog. This template is my favorite among all others offered by Gecko & Fly team, but unfortunately he has one error. Template works fine if you don't have many widgets in sidebar. After you add more widgets to the sidebar an error will occur. The widgets start to extend and a lot of free space occurs between them. I couldn't fix this problem and that was the reason I change template.

All templates are free to download. So fell free to choose one and drastically improve your blog layout. Happy blogging to all bloggers out there!

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Why you need good Alexa Rank?  

Probably you already heard about Alexa, but you didn’t know what Alexa is and why is Alexa important in your blogging and money making quest. You will find answers to those questions in this post. is a website which provides information on traffic levels for websites. The Alexa rank is measured according to the amount of users who’ve visited a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.

  • What is the Alexa Rank?
Alexa Rank is a ranking system which bases its ranking schema on the level of traffic each website receives from the number of people who visit a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.

See Alexa’s definition of the Alexa Traffic Rank:
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis.

The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users)
  • Why would you want to increase your Alexa rank?
Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank to determine the worth of a link on your website. If you depend on link or site selling as a form of monetization you’ll definitely want to increase your Alexa rank, because it’ll increase your bargaining power when it comes to ad pricing. You want have problems with them if your Alexa Rank is below 100,000 levels.

  • Are there any problems with the Alexa Rank?
Yes, problem with Alexa Rank is connected with Alexa toolbar installation. Webmasters and people who are familiar with technology will probably have Alexa toolbar installed. On the other hand others won’t have this installation, because they are unaware of Alexa.

Accordingly to that webmasters and ad networks have advantage when they measure the value of advertising on your website. Alexa Rank has become a central element in site monetization strategies.

  • How do I get started with Alexa?
If you are using Internet Explorer, visit this page and download the Alexa Toolbar. If you’re using Firefox, download the SearchStatus extension which displays the Alexa Rank, Google PageRank as well as other useful features.

I recommend that you use Firefox and SearchStatus instead of Alexa toolbar, which I find to be more bulky and less useful.

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7 How to Yuwie steps  

There would be big battle, between those two social networks in the near future. I am so sure about this! Today, MySpace is absolute winner with 210 million members world wide, but we could expect that from four years old network. Yuwie is only few months old and last time I checked it had 83,168 members and 43,148 of them was new members joined in September. That means that Yuwie is growing pretty fast and in next twelvemonth he could gain quit remarkable number of members.

Yuwie slowly started to deflect MySpace members, because he works exactly like MySpace with slightly difference - Yuwie pay their members!

If you have joined Yuwie, and don’t know what to do next, here is some quick advices

  • How can you earn money with Yuwie?
When anyone views any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view for you:
  • your profile page
  • your blog pages
  • view all your friends
  • view all your comments
  • your picture pages
  • if someone views one of your shared layouts
When you view any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view.
  • any of your control panel pages, including but not limited to: settings, messaging, friends, referrals, favorites, etc.
Please be reminded that it is not only the number of referrals that counts in computing your income but increasing your page views make a lot of difference.
  • How can't you earn with Yuwie?
The following does not count as a page view:
  • refreshing/reloading a page
  • any page that's viewed within 3 seconds of the last page doesn't count
  • What should you do when you join Yuwie?
  • dress up your page (create a nice Layout, fill it with informations about you)
  • keep your content fresh
  • read all of the Yuwie FAQ
  • explore your control panel
  • How to recruit new members?
  • send email to your closest friends, explain them about Yuwie and ask them to join you
  • put your referral link into forums signature
  • put your referral link on your blog
  • use other social networks to promote Yuwie

When you get new members in your downline you should help them. Here are few steps what should you do:
  • How to help people in your downline?
  • post a “Welcome to Yuwie comment on their page”
  • post a ‘Friend’ Request stating that they are in our downline, and offering them help
  • send new referrals to this club for advice
  • post a comment with the “Referral Tree” message from this club’s message board.
  • Who will get the most from Yuwie?
  • people who like social networks
  • people who enjoy to communicate with other people
  • people who are patient and slowly build their community
  • Who will get the least from Yuwie?
  • inpatient people
  • people who think that they would earn money just by signing in

I hope this informations help everyone. All the best and much success...

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AGLOCO will use search engine  

Another "news" or "joke" from Agloco team was released today. I am little tiered about all the fuss that Agloco made on the web with his toolbar and statement that he will own the internet. Yes I have to admit Agloco had really big impact on the bloggers. Every day at least 10 new blogs and 5 forums would rise. Now we have Agloco community in almost every country. And what is result of that? Agloco have not paid anyone yet. Period!

Here is the "news" I received and also every Agloco member. Yes I am still on their mailing list...

Revenue – As we posted previously, we completed a major revenue partnership. AGLOCO is excited to announce that will soon become AGLOCO’s official worldwide default search provider.

First, we have been very impressed with’s desire to be in business with the AGLOCO Membership. (We feel that business works best when both parties want to work together.) More importantly, we are impressed with’s search performance.

According to the August 14, 2007 report, of the University of Michigan’s American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), Ask rates right with Yahoo and Google in customer satisfaction - Ask 75, Yahoo 79 and Google 78. Also, Foresee Results added that, “Ask has had the biggest increase over time of any e-business company measured by the ACSI, up 21% since it was first measured… seems to be well-positioned to rival Google in the coming years because it has a strong search technology lauded by analysts and users alike.” We will be adding Ask to the Viewbar in the next couple of weeks and we hope you enjoy the results as much as we have.

This is a very important step for AGLOCO and will greatly improve of revenue starting in October. Many of us have been using the search system this last month and agree with the comment above that it is equal to and sometimes more helpful than Google. So we hope Members are as equally enthusiastic about Ask as we are.

Tech Update - Since moving the servers and fixing crucial items like hour displays, the tech team has since been occupied by installing the system. The tucows download problem has also been fixed. We know we need updates to the website – they have not made the top of the list yet.

Media – Mike Klingler has a full written transcript of his interview with Brian. Mike and other Members have worked to make this available to all Members in several languages at: Click here to listen to the interview. Click here for written transcript

Member distributions – We will be doing a Member distribution post within the next two weeks with an update of this crucial issue. It will also include an update of the AGLOCO financial position. AGLOCO crossed over the 1,000,000 Member mark a couple of months ago. And while not the 10,000,000 surge we had set as our summer goal, it is still a fine achievement that you all have made happen. If you missed the previous post on distributions, you can read it at Member distributions

Thanks for all of your efforts for AGLOCO.

The AGLOCO Development Team

This news is not reason I am writing this post. I was stimulated by Kumikos post about Agloco, which was released today. She shares the same thought about Agloco and she made good research about, which puts Agloco team in difficult situation. For all of you who don't know who is Kumiko, I can say that she is great money making blogger, which blog I read on daily basis.

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Make money by uploading videos on these sites  

Another great way to earn money on the web is uploading videos to the sites that will pay you for that. Of course they won’t pay you just for upload, but for certain amount of video views. So if someone puts your video on other site, you (and they) earn money as well. Video comes with an easy-to-use widget to display your films on your or other site.

You can find many sites, which offer that. I decide to introduce you with three most popular sites: Break, Vume and Revver.

  • Break is a leading entertainment channel for guys, which started paying for user created media, enabling users to upload and share their original content. However, unlike Revver and Vume, which pay for hits/views, pays according to how often your video makes the front page...

This is the most standard type of video you see on the web. Stunts, wipeouts, accidents, Great moments, pranks, animals in the wild, webcam, dances, funny pets, sporting events, and pretty much anything else!

To be considered a short film, your clip has to be "Produced". That means it has all or most of these elements: It is scripted, features actors, a director, a producer, specific characters, tells a story, it's edited, it's over 3 minutes long.

Since you can't just catch these on film by accident, anything flash animated is considered "produced" and earns $2,000!

We pay $25 for every original picture that we post in our famous galleries.

We pay $50 for every original Girl of the Day picture that is posted. Also, the top rated Girl of the Day for each month wins $500!
  • Vume
Formerly known as Eefoof, but they changed name to (”view me”). Company pays $3 for every 1000 views, which is more comparing to Revver´s $1-3 per 100 views. I suggest you to read their blog before you join in, because I read there about payment delays.

What is Vume?
Vume is the next generation of media uploading. We provide a place where creators of content can upload their videos, images, and audio, and profit from the exposure. We share all advertising with the creators of content with the philosophy that it should pay to be creative.

How does it work?
We place non-obtrusive banner ads around media pages, and post-roll in video advertising on your videos. Vume takes the revenue gained from the advertising and shares it with you, the user, depending on the amount of traffic your video has received.
How much money do I get for my hits?

How does it pay?
Vume pays an unbelievable $3 for every 1,000 hits obtained on your photos, audio and videos. The revenue is added together from all of your media into your Earnings, and distributed once a month.

  • Revver
Revver is another site that gives you a cut of ad revenue, this site ads a clickable ad at the end of your video. The videos are available in various formats, instead of just the traditional flash types. According to Revver

How does it work?
Upload your video and we will pair your video with a targeted advertisement. Then you have to share your video across the web. The more people see it, the more money you can make.

How does it pay?
They will split the ad revenue with you 50/50. Sharers earn money too! Help spread Revver videos and earn 20% of the ad revenue. The remaining money is split 50/50 between the creator of the video and Revver.

All three sites use PayPal as their payment processor. Before you join those sites check your country status on PayPal's site, because of their country restrictions. If PayPal don't support your country then ask support on Break if they can pay you by check. Few months ago they were also sending checks, but I don't know if they still do that. That is the reason why you have to read FAQ on every site, before you decide to make next step.

I hope that new money making opportunities presented in this and this post would be helpful and you will get new ideas for your money making quest.

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Boost your blog traffic with BlogRush  

When you are on your money making quest you certainly have your own blog for promoting various money making sites and programs. Most of the money making opportunities work well only if you have bunch of referrals, otherwise you won't earn enough to reach minimum payment.

Surfing the web I found new method for boosting your blog traffic which was released by John Reese. He has released a blog traffic exchange widget called BlogRush. BlogRush is essentially a way to syndicate content across blogs.

  • How it works?
You put a widget on your website to display text box ads and for each impression you delivered from your site, your ad would be displayed on other sites who used the widget. BlogRush takes your RSS feed content and syndicating articles across the network at blogs that are topic-related to yours. Using a combination of context matching and the category you choose for your blog, BlogRush attempts to place your articles on blogs that it thinks are similar to yours. This should increase the click-through rate and I’m sure as more blogs join and the technology improves it will be possible to quite tightly match content, probably not quite to the level of Google AdSense, but certainly better than just random impressions.

  • Where to put widget?
Put the BlogRush widget on your blog and earn a credit each time it is displayed when your page loads. You are rewarded by using your credits to display your blog content on other blogs that use the widget. This happens automatically and it’s set and forget - stick the widget on and you start earning credits immediately.

  • Referral System
BlogRush has a ten-tier referral system, which means you earn credits for bringing people into the program up to ten times below you (yes, it’s like a super pyramid scheme or MLM program). When someone you bring into BlogRush begins earning credits you are rewarded with credits. When you referral brings in someone else and they earn credits, you get some more again, and so on and on until ten levels below you.

BlogRush has almost the same referral system as Yuwie, but they work completely different. Whit BlogRush you try to boost your blog traffic and gain new readers. On the other hand Yuwie works like MySpace, but there is slightly difference. With Yuwie you can earn money!

BlogRush is still in beta phase, so you have to be patient if some minor problems occurs. I am sure they will be fixed quickly. Don't wait grab the widget and boost your money making blog traffic!

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Check this Scam Database  

Scammers are one of the worst people on the web and earth. I have been scammed by this people several times. Every money maker is potential target and sooner or latter everybody gets scammed at least once in their money making quest. Because of that I am always in search for the sites, which have databases of scam sites. This is one way to prevent being scammed when you try to Make Money Online.

On that occasion I found this simple website made to help online investor in making decision before doing online investment. The world of online investment is no longer as safe as it used to be, scammers have disguised themselves nicely, creating false sense of security and run away with investor's hard earned money.
Sites goal is to create the biggest scam database which store all url and egold account numbers that have been used to scam people. Site also store phishing database which you can use to study so that you will not fall into phishing traps.

This website is updated 2 times everyday. You could also help in making the Internet a safer place to invest by sending them email about scammer websites, egold account number and technique that's not yet posted on their web to: ( with proof ). Together with help of this site we can make the Internet a safer place to make money online.

What you can find in this website :

  1. List of scammer's site.
  2. List of scammer's egold account number .
  3. List and Definition of Phising.
  4. Ways to improve your egold safety.
  5. Things to take note before making an investment.
  6. About Hyip and Autosurf.
  7. articles.
Today I will send request to become partner of this site, which has major scam database. Here is link to largest scam database. Check it out, before it will be to late!!!

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Google Adsense made this man 1 million bucks!!!!  

They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that he is on track to earn a million dollars from AdSense over the year ahead.
And if that number doesn't wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.

Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he�s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.
As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they�ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.

That�s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.

Google�s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense is premier position seems secure for now.

In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.

AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.

Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.

Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis� impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.

Thavorn Srisukato is an internet entrepreneur, and earns a living by marketing affiliate programs on pay-per-click search engines, including Google�s AdSense. He explains the remarkable system he uses in his book, Affiliate Adventure, which is available at Articlesu.

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Watch your earnings with Adsense Notifier  

If you do not want to miss any cent you earn on your money making mission through adsense account, then this extension is for you. Adsense Notifier is an extension for firefox that shows the income to you of your adsense account in the bar of state of the navigator, between the data that show to you are:
All this data for the period of time that you select (1 day, 1 week, etc.) and one will update every 15 minutes (or another rank that selections). Once installed the extension you must form it in the “Tools/Plug-inns and Themes/Adsense menu Notifier” where it is necessary you introduce the data of your account.

  • The number of clicks.
  • The impressions of announcements.
  • The gains.
  • CTR.
  • CPM.
  • RPC.
Adsense Notifier for Firefox is a Firefox extension that adds the daily statistics for your AdSense revenue to the browser status bar. It supports Content, Referrer and Search data and can display Impressions, Clicks, CTR, CPM, Earnings and RPC. You can choose which values to display and configure the update interval. Clicking on the Adsense Notifier icon will log you into your Adsense account on the Google server.
I really do not see it like an indispensable extension, but extension is useful if you are obsessed with money making numbers. I believe all or most of bloggers will try this extension from Firefox. By the way, I will check my account, already spent 60 minutes.

You can download Adsense Notifier, but remember it only works with Firefox browser. How to make money online blog is also made for Firefox browser and doesn't work very well in IE7.

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To all Yuwie members!  

I was very busy with Yuwie last days. I was working on my community. Start making friends, joining clubs (mostly money making and investment clubs) and chat with Yuwie members. I also opened my own club for all Yuwie members from my country. Look at the picture of my Yuwie home page and compare it with picture I showed last time. See the difference?

  • To all Yuwie members:
Now I will show you earnings you can receive at Yuwie. This is calculation that Yuwie made. Keep this in mind: Just get 3 people, and encourage those 3 people to get 3 people, and to encourage the same of their 3 people etc.....

Sounds easy, so why not try it? If everyone simply refers 3 people to Yuwie and actively encourages their down line to do the same...then we can stand to make some decent money here.

We can't say exactly how much, but here's an example of what could happen. The chart below assumes you refer 3 people, and those 3 people refer 3, then those refer 3, through 10 levels, and each referral gets 1000 page views for the month, and the month's RSR is $0.50.

If you still didn't join Yuwie you can do that here: Join Yuwie. If you are already Yuwie member visit me at Goldmoney and drop me a line ;)

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The Leader of Incentive Based Marketing is back!  

Do you remember my article Is AdBux scam or payable program where I write about some strange things related to that site. On the end of that article I said that it is best to wait and see what will happen with site. Well that was good thing to do, because AdBux is back with new layout and stronger as ever.

New site layout isn't the best thing that happen. Main news is that AdBux now sends Checks to their users. PayPal isn't only payable option anymore. That is the reason I am putting that site on my recommendations first place. Finally I can receive money from paid-to-click site. Because my country's PayPal restriction I couldn't receive any money from paid-to-click sites (hope that will change soon!).

AdBux for Advertisers

One of the most valuable features of advertising with AdBux, the thing that sets us apart from mainstream advertising is that with AdBux, the consumers are looking for the advertisers and not the other way around. We have hundreds of thousands of consumers from over 200 countries that can be targeted by their interests, their location and their buying power. They are literally waiting for advertisers to pay them to look at stuff that they are already interested in! To check out our rates, testimonials and traffic patterns, click HERE.
AdBux for Affiliates

In the world of secular advertising, advertisers pay a medium to disperse their adverts in front of targeted and/or un-targeted people. The only connection that the advertisers have with potential consumers is interest. Using images, word play and offering the product/service at a cheaper price works in some or most instances, but what else can be added to entice the consumers to go with that particular advertiser? Our solution is a monetary incentive. Think of this: As a consumer, wouldn't it be nice to get paid to simply look at products/services/websites that interest you?

Advertisers will pay YOU up to $0.015 (1.5 cents) for every website you view! Additionally, you can maximize your earnings with our affiliate program where you can earn up to 150% of your referrals' direct click earnings and comissions on any AdBux service that your referrals purchase!

New Feature: AdBux Auto Line

Take advantage of the AdBux Auto Line and save time & money. With a 30 day subscription to the AAL, they will automatically place un-referred users in your downline as they become available. Every referral you receive will have clicked at least once and all missed referral clicks and earnings will be added to your account upon their placement. For the program to be beneficial to those who subscribe, they have only a limited amount of spots available. This will provide an estimated 15-30 active referrals per period.

AdBux Auto Line Features
  • Receive only active referrals as they become available
  • Receive missed click earnings from added referrals
  • Premium users have 48 hours to renew their spot for the next month before their subscriptions ends
  • Subscriptions last 30 days from activation date
That is not all. They have two types of membership. One is free and other one is called Premium Membership which offers you various of bonus features. Which kind of membership will you chose is up to you. Wish you happy earning with other 455,807 thousand members of AdBux!

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Make money online with Yuwie  

Have you ever heard about social network sites like Friendstar, StumbleUpon, Facebook, MyBlogLog and MySpace. People talk about them all the time. How they can help you gain more blog visitors and also boost your earnings. So I decided to test one today. I chose relatively new social network site called Yuwie. Made my Yuwie home page, join few clubs related to my interests and already gain some friends.

Why Yuwie?

The main reason is that Yuwie pays you to blog, upload pictures, refer others, chat, send comments, hang out, etc. You can do all that with major networking sites, but they won’t pay you for that.

User chooses payment option that suits him best. PayPal and Check are options. Check was my choice and I put 500$ limit before they will send it to me. You can chose smaller amount if you want. 20$ is the smallest check amount. Now when you now everything about Yuwie we can look to the other advantages that social network sites offer.

You can meet new friends, talk and share your pictures with them. With other words you can build your own community and if you are blogger that can be very useful. When community is established, encourage them to visit your blog. You will gain new blog visitors and readers that way.

Why wait? Join Yuwie, make your home page and start earning money today! If you are already Yuwie member please contact me...

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